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Compañero WG
Rayito PG x Dior BF
P.R.E. Buckskin Colt
Imported sire & dam
Compañero WG ~ SOLD
Rayito x Dior | 2022 PRE Buckskin Colt | aka ARROW
"Arrow" is amazingly sweet and easily handled with lovely manners. He is confident and curious; playful with other horses; loves attention of any kind and enjoys being around people; very smart and catches onto groundwork easily. He is weaned and halter trained. He is light on his feet and has a ground covering stride; well balanced with lovely uphill canter.
Discipline(s) best suited for: Dressage/Working Equitation.
He enjoys baths and is good for the farrier. He lives outside full time with a retired gelding. No vices. Arrow has not been gelded; if still around, he will be gelded during winter. Currently available intact or can be gelded upon purchase.
UPDATE 5/23/2024: Today our sweet 21 months old Companero WG, Pure Spanish Andalusian, left for Fredericksburg, VA. Congratulations to Crystal Majewski, owner of Tamarack Stables, for the purchase of your new stud colt. We are excited to see the babies he will produce!
Scroll down for videos 678.910.1474

Viviana WG

Viviana WG
2023 Andalusian/Lusitano Filly
Dressage Prospect
Imperador HI x Dior BF
Viviana WG ~ SOLD
Imperador HI x Dior BP | PRE-APSL Buckskin Filly
Born 2-28-2023, Viviana is our energetic showoff. She's confident, bold, daring, and lacks fear. Enjoys affection from people as well. She is exciting to watch, her movement is breathtaking. She is light on her feet; lots of expression and suspension within her gaits; well-balanced in all 3 gaits. Very energetic and playful, she is a tall filly with large bone structure; very sure footed. Discipline(s) best suited for: Dressage power house/FEI potential. IALHA eligible as S/P Spanish Portuguese Purebred. Congratulations to Debbie in Georgia!


Valente WG
Valente WG ~ SOLD
Rubi AR x Masana | Bay Spanish/Portuguese (S/P) Purebred Colt
Born June 13, 2023, Valente was our last foal of the season. Valente, aka Lenny, has everything you would want in a future dressage star. He is super correct and well proportioned, is a little powerhouse at just 2 months old. Friendly, smart, people oriented. If you have been considering an Andalusian or a Lusitano, why not have both? Power, tractability, sensitivity and willingness to please - its all in there. Valente shows great potential for upper level dressage and will make a great performance partner. Discipline best suited for: Dressage, eventing, working equitation.
UPDATE: Our gorgeous 10.5 month old colt, “Valente”, Rubi AR/Masana, left for his new home today in Alabama. Congratulations to his new owners!
Scroll down for videos 678.910.1474

2017 P.R.E. Andalusian Gelding
Gomero III x Belinda MH
This beautiful grey PRE Gelding has been a dream to raise from a yearling. He was brought along slowly and carefully as we prepared him for his future career. When he was ready, we took him to a few shows and he made us very proud. He has become an amazing amateur-friendly partner for dressage competitions.
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